100 Club
Every month we run our 100 Club draw. It gives members the chance to win a cash prize while also raising the funds we need to run our local and national campaigns. It costs as little as £3 per month to take part and winnings can be up to £150 per month with the same amount going to party funds.
How does it work?
Members subscribe to one or more entries per month. There are a maximum of 100 entries allowed each month. Each month a winner is selected randomly (by the Treasurer, in the presence of at least one other CLP member). The winner receives 50% of the subscriptions for that month and 50% goes to party funds.
What does it cost?
A single entry is £3 per month but you are welcome to increase your chances of winning by having more than one for an additional £3 each.
Who can take part?
In order to comply with legislation, to join the 100 Club you must be a member of Stratford on Avon CLP and your membership fees must be up to date. If you are not a member or you are in arrears your entry will not be valid and you will not be eligible to win.
How can I join in?
The easiest way to join the 100 Club is to set up a monthly standing order with your own bank for your chosen amount, in multiples of £3 as described above. Please contact our Treasurer, at treasurer@stratfordlabour.org.uk for our bank details.